Values & Approach

At EBITDA Catalyst, our values are our differentiators. We’ve got a lot of meaning, lived history, and stories to tell about each one. Chances are, if you work with us it’s because you’ve experienced them in action.

Our Values

Values & Approach Icon Trust Handshake

#1: Client trust

  • Deliver, on time
  • Tell you what we don't know
  • Tell you what we know and you may not like

Values & Approach icon meeting where client is at.

#3: Meet you where you are at

  • Everyone has pain points
  • We turn problems into opportunities
  • Respect the unique experience of a client's team

Icon laughing with client.

#5: Sense of humor

  • Good humor is a panacea and a catalyst
  • Hard days are part of deep learning
  • The Golden Rule rules

Values & Approach ROI

#2: Client ROI

  • Pass if we don't see a path to 10X+ return
  • Minimize client investment in relation to results
  • Share risk with success-based fees

Values & Approach Icon time is money.

#4: Cost effectiveness

  • Start each project with exactly one consultant
  • Use JIT staffing (see below), minimize overhead
  • Create incremental option value for clients

Icon Helping Up

#6: Paying it forward

  • Practice gratitude for all we do have
  • Give 5-10% of revenue to worthy causes
  • Turn adversity into empathy for others

Our Values

At EBITDA Catalyst, our values are our differentiators. We’ve got a lot of meaning, lived history, and stories to tell about each one. Chances are, if you work with us it’s because you’ve experienced them in action.
Icon trust handshake.

Client Trust

Icon ROI.

Client ROI

Icon meeting where client is at.

Meet you where you are at

Icon time is money.

Cost effectiveness

Icon laughing with client.

Sense of humor

Icon Helping Up

Paying it forward

Our Values

At EBITDA Catalyst, our values are our differentiators. We’ve got a lot of meaning, lived history, and stories to tell about each one. Chances are, if you work with us it’s because you’ve experienced them in action.
Values & Approach Icon Trust Handshake

Client trust

  • Deliver, on time
  • Tell you what we don't know
  • Tell you what we know and you may not like

Values & Approach ROI

Client ROI

  • Pass if we don't see a path to 10X+ return
  • Minimize client investment in relation to results
  • Share risk with success-based fees

Values & Approach icon meeting where client is at.

Meet you where you are at

  • Everyone has pain points
  • We turn problems into opportunities
  • Respect the unique experience of a client's team

Values & Approach Icon time is money.

Cost effectiveness

  • Start each project with exactly one consultant
  • Use JIT staffing (see below), minimize overhead
  • Create incremental option value for clients

Icon laughing with client.

Sense of humor

  • Good humor is a panacea and a catalyst
  • Hard days are part of deep learning
  • The Golden Rule rules

Icon Helping Up

Paying it forward

  • Practice gratitude for all we do have
  • Give 5-10% of revenue to worthy causes
  • Turn adversity into empathy for others

Brands You Trust Have Trusted Us

Our Approach

The traditional “consulting business model” is not designed with middle-market clients in mind.

Ours is.

Consulting firms historically employ a heavy cadre of highly paid full-time consultants. Their offices often occupy prestigious addresses. This large fixed expense base results in pressures for consulting firms to sell multi-person “teams” of “that” talent at “those” rates. Unlike the Fortune 500, most middle-market firms do not have the scale and budgets to absorb the size of investment and create compelling ROI, especially on a risk-adjusted basis.

The EBITDA Catalyst approach is focused on exceptional results, with lower footprint and higher flexibility to scale to your needs. Call us “nimble catalysts” … “traditional consultants” are the other guys.

Here’s how we’re different:

Icon JIT Staffing

Just-In-Time Staffing

We Do:
We don’t:
Icon JIT Talent Network

Distributed Talent Network

We Do:
We don’t:
Icon JIT Staffing

Just-In-Time Staffing

We Do:

  • Start projects with only one consultant wherever possible
  • Add resources when incremental ROI is compelling
  • Leverage an outstanding network of freelance consultants

We don’t:

  • Bring in “a full team” of consultants (fees) on Day 1
  • See “your needs” through the lens of ROI on our payroll
  • Expect your teams’ priorities fall in the “orbit” of our project
Icon JIT Talent Network

Distributed Talent Network

We Do:

  • Bring in specialized freelancers to save you money
  • Sub-contract exactly the talent you need, for the time you need it
  • Build trust with our network before your project needs them

We don’t:

  • Drive up rates by limiting you to expensive full-time consultants
  • Front-load activity (fees) because “(our) time is money”
  • Believe in limiting your options to a small talent pool

Our Capabilities & JIT Staffing Model

Pricing-As-A-System Strategy & GTM Analytics & VIZ

Our Approach

The traditional “consulting business model” is not designed with middle-market clients in mind.

Ours is.

Consulting firms historically employ a heavy cadre of highly paid full-time consultants. Their offices often occupy prestigious addresses. This large fixed expense base results in pressures for consulting firms to sell multi-person “teams” of “that” talent at “those” rates. Unlike the Fortune 500, most middle-market firms do not have the scale and budgets to absorb the size of investment and create compelling ROI, especially on a risk-adjusted basis.

The EBITDA Catalyst approach is focused on exceptional results, with lower footprint and higher flexibility to scale to your needs. Call us “nimble catalysts” … “traditional consultants” are the other guys.

Here’s how we’re different:

Icon JIT Staffing

Just-In-Time Staffing

We Do:
We don’t:
Icon JIT Talent Network

Distributed Talent Network

We Do:
We don’t:
Icon JIT Staffing

Just-In-Time Staffing

We Do:
We don't:
Icon JIT Talent Network

Distributed Talent Network

We Do:
We don't:
Icon JIT Staffing

Just-In-Time Staffing

We Do:

  • Start projects with only one consultant wherever possible
  • Add resources when incremental ROI is compelling
  • Leverage an outstanding network of freelance consultants

We don’t:

  • Bring in “a full team” of consultants (fees) on Day 1
  • See “your needs” through the lens of ROI on our payroll
  • Expect your teams’ priorities fall in the “orbit” of our project
Icon JIT Talent Network

Distributed Talent Network

We Do:

  • Bring in specialized freelancers to save you money
  • Sub-contract exactly the talent you need, for the time you need it
  • Build trust with our network before your project needs them

We don’t:

  • Drive up rates by limiting you to expensive full-time consultants
  • Front-load activity (fees) because “(our) time is money”
  • Believe in limiting your options to a small talent pool

Our Capabilities & JIT Staffing Model

Pricing-As-A-System Strategy & GTM Analytics & VIZ